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Anyone can be a tech-wiz in Changkat!

Our certified Apple Teachers

ICT Teacher Awards

106. Mr Abdul Matiin Bin Kassim.jpg

Mr Abdul Matiin bin Kassim

ICT Teacher Awardee 2020

"Exploring tools for digital natives has always been my cup of tea. Interest and curiosity will always light my desire to achieve even more for my students".

Mr Wan Bing Khiang.jpg

Mr Wan Bing Khiang

ICT Teacher Awardee 2020

"I had always wanted to explore using different ICT platforms for teaching, but I never made time to do so. When Circuit Breaker suddenly came into effect in March, it was the opportunity to explore in that direction. 

It was my pleasure to be able to work with different colleagues, trying out various platforms to ensure that students are still able to learn even though they are physically not in school". 

Apple Training Testimonials

85. Mdm Adibah Bte Abbas.jpg

Mdm Adibah

EL teacher

"The session was extremely helpful. I own an iPad but have never fully explored its capabilities. I enjoyed the session because I was able to learn at my own pace and the other teachers were there to guide me as well. Looking forward to the next session!" 

Ms Teo Ying Hui.jpg

Ms Yeo Ying Hui

CL teacher

"The Apple training was beneficial in allowing me to explore the functions of the iPad that can be adopted in the classroom. I was particularly interested in the text to speech function and am excited to see how it can be utilised in the future Chinese Language classes. The session was meaningful as we were able to discuss with one another on how each function can be applied in T&L and also identifying the possible pitfalls".

51. Miss Koon Yuhua Geraldine.jpg

Ms Koon Geraldine

POA teacher

"The Apple training was very helpful. The trainer was very clear in guiding us on the different functions we can use and also the different settings we can have. As a non-Apple user, I am happy that the trainer started with all the basic which we need to know too!"

Dr Thirunavukarasu Duarisamy.jpg

Dr Thiru

TL teacher

"The Apple training was very useful for teachers to learn basic features of the iPad and how to use the necessary applications. From the training, I learnt to create an Apple Classroom and how to connect my iPad to Apple TV". 

25. Mdm Ng Hwee Koon Joyce.jpg

Mrs Joyce Leung

Science teacher

"It has been a very timely and useful training as the trainer touched on all the key and useful functions of iPad which teachers will use. Functions such as transferring of files and annotation on photos and how to use Apple classroom to monitor students progress are useful tips that I have learnt".

16. Mdm Siti Zubaidah Bte Ismail.jpg

Mdm Siti Zubaidah

NFS teacher

"The Apple training session has given me great insights on how the iPad can be an incredible powerful tool for classroom management. With the use of the Apple Pencil too, one is able to capture an image and record videos for lessons easily. Looking forward to learn more new tips in crafting interesting lessons".

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