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Professional Development

There's always something new to learn - read about past PD sessions or find new ones to take part in here.

ICT PD - APPLE Training

On 11 February 2022, we picked more tips and tricks from Apple trainers on how to increase our productivity with iPadOS15 updates. It was a rich learning experience for all of us. Click the image below to find out more! 

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By now, many of us might be comfortable using the iPad as a teaching tool in our classrooms. How about we make it official? Find out how to become an officially certified Apple Teacher by clicking on the banner below! 

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Getting Started with the iPad

On 3rd March 2021, Apple trainers conducted a PD session for CCSS teachers to help us get started with the iPad. Click the photo below to take a look at what was covered during the session!

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Google Classroom guide

Google Classroom can make many classroom activities much more seamless. Click the photo below to learn more about how to use Google Classroom for your own lessons!

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